Sunday, 30 April 2017

Evocation of Amdusias

Amduscias a great and a strong duke, he commeth foorth as an unicorne, when he standeth before his maister in humane shape, being commanded, he easilie bringeth to passe, that trumpets and all musicall instruments may be heard and not seene, and also that trees shall bend and incline, according to the conjurors will, he is excellent among familiars, and hath nine and twentie legions. - Johan Weyer, Pseudomonarchia Daemonum.
I met with a magickal group I work with yesterday to evoke the 67th Goetic Spirit, Amdusias. The purpose was the provision of a Familiar Spirit, which Amdusias provides to excellent effect. I’ll respect the privacy of the group and leave the details of the method used to raise the spirit out of this post, but I can state that it was Shamanic and rather fun.

During the raising of the spirit, I felt a presence entering the room some time before the calling was completed. This came as a cool breeze upon my face that caused chills and goose bumps to run over my skin, and left me with a feeling of slowness and heaviness. After it confirmed its presence and showed a little impatience at the calling continuing after its arrival, I received a communication of the numbers 612 and 216 in quick succession, but didn’t understanding their context. When the call to the spirit was completed, I gazed upon the seal and received the communication to leave the offering in a particular way, which I did. I then asked for the spirit to communicate to us through our thoughts, and received a vision that was consistent with that of previous Goetic work.

In it, I saw a circular fire pit made of stone in a round clearing in a dark wood. The pit was filled with glowing coals, and spanning it like a bridge were two planks forming a cross. The planks were curved, forming an apex at their centre, which I stood upon. Standing over the fire, I became aware of a crescent moon overhead, the dark quarters of which stood out strong against the darkness of the sky behind. I had the impression that the moon was blocking something out behind it, like it was eclipsing something, but not the sun. Then, the planks I stood upon were bent even more, until they were almost folded in half, becoming narrower at their base, forming a shape now closer to a phallus than a cross, raising me above the trees of the grove until the crescent moon was within my reach. Coming closer to it, I saw a cross hanging off it that gave it the appearance of the astrological glyph of Black Moon Lilith.

Looking at the limbs of the cross, I understood the numbers given earlier were somehow to be applied onto it to create the seal of the familiar:


The first point that stands out is the bending of the planks of wood in the vision, which was a motion in  accord with Amdusias’s power of 'causing trees to bend and incline according to the magician’s will.' That they were not trees, but planks of wood, may reveal the manifestation of this power in a way that reflects human artifice rather than natural forces. 216 has equal value to the Hebrew words for ‘junction’ or ‘confluence’ (as in a crossroads, or a point where two things merge), ‘to protect’ and ‘awe,’ but it's in the number 612  is where the greater interest lies. This number bears significance with the name ‘Lilith,’ as it shares the Gematric value of the name of the 30th Spirit of the Goetia, Beleth. Beleth is linked to Lilith via the 14th Century Munich Handbook of Demonic Magic which gives instructions on the use of a ‘Mirror of Lylet’ (with 'Lylet' looking curiously like 'Bylet') for divination. 

The instructions for its use begins with an invocation, stating:
I conjure you, demons, that you will come and swear an oath and answer whatever question I will ask with perfect truth. in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Christ + conquered these same + Balbiet + Zelans, Zelles, Dimidero, Cadar, you who each day rise among the stars of heaven where are the three (unknown word: "dogie") of the Cross, and the swift deeds or strokes in the four points of the world, to accomplish all my will in them, through God, where it be acceptable and lawful and speakable, without terror and without any of the unspeakable powers of ever-living Deity, in the true virtue of God, we do call you forth, Lylet, by the office of your father Arieth and by that oath that your mother Nocma spoke to you, that in your own image, and not in the form of a crow, you will converse and be present with us in whatever hour we do summon you into this mirror, that peacefully and humbly and without any deformity you will show yourself to me, and furthermore that two or more of your servants, in any theft or murder or any other doubtful matter, shall give true answers to me, by the power and obedience of God.
Now the mirror ought to be made in the shape of a round shield, or some other way that you may prefer. On the rim thereof, paint the following names: Deus Sanctus, Deus Omnipotens, Deus Fortis, Deus Immortalis, Pater Futuri Saeculi (God the Holy, God the Omnipotent, God the Strong, God the Immortal, Father of the Age to Come). And around the two upper sides the greater seal of Solomon is painted, at the bottom end of the shield the lesser seal of Solomon, and in the middle of the mirror this name Lylet is painted, just as is shown in the figure given below. Thereafter, frame it in the same way as any other glass or mirror. Once this is done, take it silently and secretly to a crossroads or to the sepulchre of some murdered person (murderers seen as having godlike powers in death as they had performed a divine act by killing someone – an act reserved for God alone), in the evening dusk on a day of Mars or Saturn, and say this conjuration:  
I conjure you, Lylet, and your companions, by Alpha and Omega, by the first and the very last, Abiel, Rotbons, Cafre, O God, O suffering Christ most renowned, On, Eli, Elion, Messias, Sabaoth, Adonai, Emmanuel.
I conjure you likewise, Lylet, and your companions, by the annunciation of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by His nativity, and by the coming of the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, that in whatever hour I call you, you shall appear to me in this mirror with your companions, and show me truly a response or sign of that thing which I shall wish to know. This oration being finished, return home by another route. Thereafter, at the same hour and day, go to the crossroad and take the mirror with you, and when you want to know about anything uncertain, you may compel the same spirit to come by reciting the conjuration. Ask what you wish, and they shall tell you, etc.
It's notable that the above conjuration was designed as a crossroads ritual, which tied in rather well with the form of our working and the Gematric value of 216. With the visible appearance of the glyph of Black Moon Lilith - which manifests psychosexual forces - I believe the representation of Lilith via the glyph in this vision was relevant. Black Moon Lilith is not a physical object, but the lunar apogee, the point of the moon’s orbit which is furthest from the Earth, and therefore represents the outer limit of the gravitational relationship between the Earth and the Moon. The opposite point to the Lunar Apogee - the Perigree - is Priapus, the god of lust, fertility, orchards and gardens, and is reflected in the evocation by the sense of being projected from the Earth to the Moon via a large, phallic 'bridge.'

That it was Amdusias, not Beleth being called upon in the rite at first appears anomalous, but some of my previous work with these spirits has revealed them to reflect differing aspects of ancient deities rather than straight up transpositions of them into a ‘lesser’ form. That various gods have many aspects is well known, and in the Goetia we often see particular aspects of one god represented in a certain spirit, and other aspects of that same deity represented in another. That Lilith has three separate astrological personifications, being Asteroid Lilith, Dark Moon Lilith and Black Moon Lilith, reflects this particular tripartite division that Beleth and Amdusias may represent different facets of.

Marina at Dark Star Astrology states that this particular manifestation of Lilith represents
“the forbidden fruit episode, where Lilith comes back as a serpent. The serpent represents occult knowledge, while the apple representing sex or entheogens. Neptune is very much like a psychic sponge. The zone has shamanic qualities, a similar effect to using drugs to break down the barriers to the unconscious. Like deceptive Neptune when drugged, this zone can let in the demons as well as messages from the spirits.”

This seems an especially pertinent point in relation to this rite, which was shamanic in nature and involved receiving messages from a spirit and makes the lunar apogee an interesting consideration for magical practice.

Another link between the two spirits can be found between Amdusias and Beleth’s arrival being announced by trumpets, as shown in their descriptions.
Bileth is a great king and a terrible, riding on a pale horsse, before whome go trumpets, and all kind of melodious musicke. When he is called up by an exorcist, he appeareth rough and furious, to deceive him. Then let the exorcist or conjuror take heed to himself; and to allaje his courage, let him hold a hazell bat in his hand, wherewithall he must reach out toward the east and south, and make a triangle without besides the circle; but if he hold not out his hand unto him, and he bid him come in, and he still refuse the bond or chain of spirits; let the conjuror proceed to reading, and by and by he will submit himselfe, and come in, and doo whatsoever the exorcist commandeth him, and he shall be safe. If Bileth the king be more stubborne, and refuse to enter into the circle at the first call, and the conjuror shew himselfe fearfull, or if he have not the chaine of spirits, certeinelie he will never feare nor regard him after. Also, if the place he unapt for a triangle to be made without the circle, then set there a boll of wine, and the exorcist shall certeinlie knowe when he commeth out of his house, with his fellowes, and that the foresaid Bileth will be his helper, his friend, and obedient unto him when he commeth foorth. And when he commeth, let the exorcist receive him courteouslie, and glorifie him in his pride, and therfore he shall adore him as other kings doo, bicause he saith nothing without other princes. Also, if he be cited by an exorcist, alwaies a silver ring of the middle finger of the left hand must be held against the exorcists face, as they doo for Amaimon. And the dominion and power of so great a prince is not to be pretermitted; for there is none under the power & dominion of the conjuror, but he that deteineth both men and women in doting love, till the exorcist hath had his pleasure. He is of the orders of powers, hoping to returne to the seaventh throne, which is not altogether credible, and he ruleth eightie five legions.
Furthermore (though this is a little more tenuous), the spirits' placements in the zodiacal correspondences of the Shemhamphorash overlap somewhat, with both sharing a first quinary placement in zodiac signs that are in Square aspect to each other (suggesting conflict, or a 'hard' relationship between them), and both are also represented by ‘Eight’ Cards. This may reflect Amdusias being in the same Sephira as Beleth on the Tree of Life (Hod), though their corresponding Angels occupy different realms, being Beriah in the case of Amdusias's angel, Etaiel, and Yetzirah for Beleth's angel, Iezalel.

8 Cups
Feb 19 - 23
9 Cups
Feb 24 - 28

8 Swords
May 21 - 25
9 Swords
May 26 - 30

The results of an evocation of Beleth I conducted in May 2015, found below, reveals another manifestation of the divine feminine, albeit with a very different energy.
I entered the astral landscape through a well, where I saw a grassy plain where Beleth initially appeared there like a triangle of Fire akin to a ש. Then she took the form of a lion with a face concealed behind two death masks. The word 'prostitute' came to my mind very quickly, but there was no noticeable gender apparent at this point. Then she appeared as a lion breathing fire, speaking with a voice like crackling flame, declaring “Verily I am a Queen.”  She also stated that she had been bound not by me, but by the names and powers I had invoked. There was an old, malicious feel to her at first. but she gradually became more tolerant of me. She offered to burn and strip away the fat from me if I accepted her ways of initiation, so I entered the flame she cast agreeing to these methods as long as they were conducive to the Great Work. As advised, I held the ring before me at times, but she said it wouldn't be needed due to the guidance of the Shemhamphorash angel. Still, better safe than sorry, so I cast her into the triangle drawn by the wand in the south east as directed. I saw no pale horse, but there was an announcement of brass instruments on her arrival in the astral.
These ideas and correspondences are all very recent findings, so at this stage my early notions of connectivity between these spirits as aspects of Lilith are raw and experimental. I look forward to gaining more insight into them.

Scrying the Thoth Tarot: The Ten of Wands

The Vision

I was trapped in the midst of a huge forest fire and took refuge in a round, black lake which was perfectly encircled by the flames. To escape, I waded into the waters, the skies above me ablaze, and the water growing hot as I became submerged. At the heart of the lake’s hollowed bottom, like a phiale and omphalos, lay a forgotten, black, stone monument. I pulled it free of the bed and passed through the dark, dry passageways that the stones was a portal to. Eventually, I emerged at the other side of the lake beyond the burning woods, though I could still feel the heat of its flames. In the sky, Sirius blazed bright, and the crows in the trees at the edge of the glowing wood stared at me blackly. Then, a dark figure in a tall stove pipe hat pulled up in a golden carriage with red velvet seats. He stopped and observed me and I sensed it was he who set the woods ablaze. I approached him and opened up the top of his hat to gaze upon what is inside of it. It was empty. He was of no substance. Then he drove his chariot away.


The ‘black man’ is the shadow of the Angel cast in Malkuth. In the early stages of initiation, this shadow or ‘evil persona’ can be mistaken as the object of the path of Initiation. But in truth it is merely the shadow the light the sun of Tiphereth casts from the Augoeides. Although he rides the Royal Chariot, at this stage the Angel is without solid substance as the man entirely embedded in Malkuth cannot perceive its true form. To see it as it is, one must adjust their angle of viewing and remove themselves from its shade. 

The perilous fire I perceived it as being responsible for was the magickal force made manifest as the ‘Oppression’ of the 10 of Wands. Its fire cast a circle around the water, just as the serpent did around the Sun, and the water provides the means of escape. The lake also represents the Oraclea Lunar manifestation of the supernal waters in Malkuth, which are black, like the Work done entry stages of alchemy. Beneath the fires and waters were the refuge of Earth and its material security. The crows who watch balefully as I escape their domain at the other side of the tunnels are creatures of Air, and their position in the trees was in a comparative placement to Netzach on the Tree of Life as viewed from Malkuth. The Qlippoth of Netzach, A’arab Zaraq, is that of the Dispersing Ravens who manifest from the fires of a volcano. The star overseeing this scene, Sirius—known to the Greeks and Egyptian as ‘The Scorcher’—has a reputation for heat, rising before the sun in the dog days of summer, and is also associated with Shiva, who also appeared in the vision for the 10 of Swords. Sirius culminates at 14° Cancer, the constellation associated with the Chariot in the Tarot Trumps, and the appearance of the Saturnian driver of the Royal Chariot—another manifestation of the Shekinah—reveals the manifestation of another mystical link to that zodiac sign.

Friday, 28 April 2017

Working with the Behenian Fixed Stars

Aside from the other magickal projects lined up over the next few months, I have an urge to experiment with the properties of the Behenian Fixed Stars set out by Hermes and Agrippa.
The descriptions of their powers can be sourced to the medieval Spanish manuscript Tractatus Enoch (Bodleian MS 52, 44-47, Harley MS 1612, 15-18 and Trinity MS 1313, 11-25), and are activated by etching their glyphs onto the appropriate gemstone then placing the stone upon the corresponding plant mixture. The planetary attributions are those of Ptolemy, and define the corresponding Planetary energies of each star.

The term ‘Behenian’ comes from the Arabic word ‘Bahman’ meaning ‘root’ and in the context of the Fixed Stars refers to those which are considered the root of astrological power. This appears to be a concept mirrored in the twelve stones in the Priestly Breastplate in the book of Exodus, which was used as an oracle used to scry the Divine Will, as well as  the twelve foundation stones of the New Jerusalem in the Book of Revelation. In each of these examples, the gemstones represent the divine source of the power of each astrological sign, and are reflections of the Twelve Lettered Name of God. Indeed, many of those stones match those of the Behenian Fixed Stars, though I'll look at this in more detail another time.

How the stars’ energies can be utilised by the magician through their corresponding stones and plants is explained in the table below.

Hellebore juice with an equal amount of wormwood placed under a diamond, etc., brings hatred and courage, preserves the members of the body, and grants vengeance over anyone you wish.
The Pleiades
Fennel seed with frankincense and quicksilver placed under a crystal with the appropriate character [engraved on it], with the Moon conjunct the Pleiades rising or at Midheaven, preserves the eyesight, summons demons and the spirits of the dead, calls the winds, and reveals secrets and things that are lost.
Milky thistle seed put under a carbuncle with the character shown [engraved on it], with the Moon conjunct [Aldebaran and] the Ascendant or Midheaven, increases riches and brings great honours.
Horehound seed mixed with equal parts of mint, wormwood and mandrake, placed etc., exalts men to honors, and brings them the favor of kings and nobles, and heals toothache, and is very medicinal.
One part savine juniper juice with wormwood and bistort and a little serpent's tongue put under a golden beryl, etc., grants the favour of the spirits of the air and the peoples of the earth, and brings peace and concord between kings and other potentates, and between husbands and wives.
Heliotrope flowers with pennyroyal flowers placed etc. grants the favour of God and man, gives men the favour of the spirits of the air, gives great power over magic, and keeps men healthy.
Celandine juice with wormwood and mastic placed etc. takes away anger and melancholy, makes men temperate, and grants favour.
Chicory juice with wormwood and periwinkle flower placed etc. has power against enchantments and against dryness and gives safety in travel, and if it be put together with wolf's teeth it makes hunters proficient.
Burdock seed, leaves, and roots, with the tongue of a frog, placed etc. makes men angry, hateful, daring, and evil-speaking, causes wicked dreams, drives demons away, and protects men against demons and evil winds.
Sage juice with trefoil, periwinkle, wormwood and mandrake placed etc. will increase gold, accumulate riches, bring victory in lawsuits, and free men from evil and anguish.
Plantain juice with seeds or rooted placed under jasper, especially green [jasper], carries away fevers and restrains the flow of blood.
Juice of the herb called rosemary with equal parts trefoil and ivy put etc., makes men chaste, and grants friendship and honour with God and man.
Birthwort juice with a little yew placed etc. gives men healthy colour, grants good memory and intelligence, makes them appear wise, and banishes demons.
Savoury juice with an equal amount of the herb called fumitory and with a little of the stone called turonso, etc. grants favour with beasts, protects from scabies, that is, against demons, nocturnal phantoms, and fears.
Deneb Algedi
Marjoram juice put under a chalcedony with its proper character, the Moon conjunct the tail of Capricorn rising, gives favour in lawsuits, improves the home in which it is kept, keeps it [the home] secure, and increases all manner of riches.

Although all of the planets are affected by the energies of these Stars on all four Angles, this source only mentions the Moon’s conjunction with them on the Ascendant or the Midheaven. With the Moon being a magickally potent and fast-moving planet, I will only be considering Lunar aspects for now, but I’ll remain open minded to experimenting with other angles and planets should I notice any conjunctions forming I’d like to consider using.

The following chart gives the position of the Fixed Behenian Stars c.2016 and can be consulted to help determine when each star falls on the Ascendant and Midheaven by calculating the point of each day that those particular zodiacal degrees fall on those angles. Once that combination of star and Angle is noted to fall in conjunction with the Moon, the star’s energies are drawn into the stone and plants via their glyphs and utilised to bring the magickal effects described above.

Calculating such times can be done by consulting a chart of Transits, such as the one found here, then noting the time and date that the Moon forms its conjunction with those two angles. This can be a fairly laborious task (which can be helped to some extent by consulting an Ephemeris), but on searching, I’ve found it doesn’t take too long to find a couple of upcoming conjunctions (with an orb of less than 3°, though some believe 6° is acceptable) of the Moon, a pertinent Angle and a Fixed Star.

Moon Conjunctions with the Ascendant, Midheaven and Behenian Fixed Stars
Moon ! AS
Moon ! MC
2°36' Gemini
7°46' Gemini
18° 08' Gemini
23°12' Gemini
+1° 07'
3° 29' Cancer
8° 39' Cancer
18° 35' Cancer
23° 31 Cancer
-2° 29'

These calculations consist of conjunctions at the point of Midheaven over London, England. The Transit Charts for them are found below.

Moon Conjunct Midheaven and Capella, 16:00hrs, 29th April, 2017

Moon Conjunct Midheaven and Procyon, 18:03hrs, 1st May, 2017 

Once a longer list of correct timings has been constructed, I intend to select an aim consistent with my Will and perform a suitable Behenian operation and post the method, results and conclusions here.

The Invoking Ritual of the Four Chiefs

After an appropriate circle be cast, the names of LUCIFER, BELZEBUTH and SATAN are invoked into the magician on the vertical axis: LUCIFE...